What’s Wrong with the Right?

Who could forget Republican leadership’s collusion when President Obama was elected: Make him a single term president and fight against everything he proposes, no matter what!

What an honorable goal! Was it because Obama was a Democrat, or black, or heaven forbid, a black Democrat?

Fortunately, they failed. President Obama got the economy rolling again, while fixing his Republican predecessor’s mistakes and restoring world respect. After Obama’s two successful terms, what did Republicans offer? The best they had was someone as unfit for the US Presidency as Donald Trump, who thanks to the Electoral College and Evangelicals, was selected by a mal-informed, easily fooled minority, whereupon he wasted no time proving how incompetent he is, with the #1 Republican-sanctioned objective of destroying everything accomplished by his Democratic predecessor, while making himself a laughingstock around the world. Yet, many want him back, complaining 2020 was rigged, contrary to facts and logic! Foreign adversaries obviously more likely to help Trump, which 2016 clearly suggests!

Without platform, program or positive ideas, Republicans now control the House, with a scary collection of incompetents with no idea of what their job is, or how to accomplish anything for national benefit. Some behave like clowns, with childish display of their own fragile egos. As a frantic attempt at getting something accomplished, they have now decided to make the debt ceiling an issue, as if paying approved bills should ever be questioned, – a debt mostly incurred by Republican administrations, 25% by Trump alone! How ironic!

Which raises the uncomfortable question: Are Republicans really as dumb as they sound and behave? Don’t they realize that Democratic administrations would be, and have already been, in their own very best interest?

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