WHY is the RIGHT so WRONG?

How in the world can the so-called RIGHT be so totally WRONG, again and again? Don’t they ever learn?

For now, I have said enough about the fake religiosity, dishonesty, self-serving voter suppression, abortion rights, blindness and delusional stupidity of the Republican party, which is referred to as the RIGHT. Just let me focus on the very latest. Calling the bloody January 6 insurrection anything from just tourists to a harmless expression of political discontent, is the epitome of stupidity and dishonesty. They have fought every which way they could against the Jan. 6 Committee getting to the truth of what the educated, informed majority of us consider a serious breach of national security, bordering on treason. It was clearly instigated by Donald J. Trump, who naturally was scared by losing presidential protection against all he had done, before and during his undeserved stay in the White House, so he cooked up the ridiculous claim that the election had been stolen from him, referring to foreign adversaries! As if foreign adversaries would prefer anyone but Trump, so easily fooled and manipulated! His fragile ego just melts like soft butter at the slightest praise, no matter how undeserved.

And now, it is quickly getting even worse. Much, much worse.  Republicans are ganging up to protect and support their cult leader Trump, and the more so, the more obvious it becomes that he is a traitor who has stolen sensitive documents, lied about it and who knows yet with whom he has shared national secrets. FBI agents and their families are attacked, both verbally and physically for doing their job, while top Republicans are trying to impeach AG Garland for doing the most important job ever to face him and the DOJ.   As the last resort, Trump lies about President Obama, claiming he did the same, while his predecessor worked legally with the National Archives to transfer certain selected, un- and declassified  documents to the Presidential Library in Chicago!

So, the question is: how can anyone in his or her right mind support someone like Trump? I think the answer is obvious: no one!

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