Wrong-wing Obamascare

The Congressional Budget Office has just announced that ACA will result in lower premiums than previously projected, more people will be insured, and the savings will exceed estimates and amount to more than $100 billion over the next 10 years, with $5 billion saved this year alone.
 The infamous WND and every other one of the right-wing media on the Internet were quick to come out with their interpretation, – exactly the same language, type face, typos and all, with “BREAKING NEWS: Obamacare is about to collapse!”
The text carries a desperate appeal to the brainless on the wrong side of history: “You understand the future success of our children and our country depend upon ObamaCare’s utter demise”, referring to a frivolous lawsuit filed. This is our last chance. Our children’s future is at stake. I need you to join my team today if we are going to break America free from Obamacare’s socialist shackles. There’s no time to lose.”  
The Obamascared on the wrong side of history must be getting desperate. Will they ever realize that they lost the battle against Affordable Health Care for all? And will they ever admit the real reason for their blatant, un-American sabotage?
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